This series of novels and short stories follows the lives of three 21st century men who cross two thousand years forwards through time. The novels follow their adventures as they adapt to this new world and confront its dangers – with the help of a growing family of close friends and lovers.
- Vampires of the Fourth Millennium
- Voodoo Circus
- To The Bone-House
- Ghoom
- Indigo Voyage
- Scenes from the Waterfront
- Moonglow
- Indigo Christmas
- Indigo Summer
- High Hat
- Island of Evil
- The Monster of Marlsblad
- A year at Wolf Castle
- Hoopla
- Midnight Blue
- Quarantine Winter
- The Edge of Doom
- Sea-Changes
- Way Blue Yonder
- The Back of Beyond
- Night-Scented Stock
- Whisper Not
- Erebus
- The Enchanted Forest
- Mackerel Sky
- Stone Garden
- The Smell of Rain
- Compass North
- Janus
- Trinity
- Calliope
- The Last Place on Earth
- Hiatus
- Into the Unknown